Where Are The Instructions!?!
Do you know any parent who hasn't felt that way at times? I don't. We all want our children to be happy, confident, responsible kids – and grow into adults with integrity, empathy, and an ability to find joy and meaning in their lives – despite the challenges they’ll face.
Yet how do we do that?
Our skills as parents are the single most important factor in determining who our children are today, and the adults they’ll become. We can all:
Become more aware of the impact of our day to day interactions with our children. STOP AND THINK Are we sending the message we really want to? Are we using the best possible approach? What is the likelihood our kids will internalize the message the way we intend? Are we using a planful approach designed to help ensure they make good choices when we aren't around?
Learn how to develop the very character traits we want our children to have. There are specific things we can do in our every day interactions to help them develop empathy, integrity, resilience, responsibility, etc. Let's learn what they are. The future happiness and success of our own children, and the strength of our next generation depends on it.
Our Starting Point is working to:
Increase awareness of the critical need for effective parenting, and
Connect parents with local parenting education and support resources. We’re developing a database of parenting education resources throughout the country that will be available on our website and searchable by zip code.
If you are interested in strengthening your parenting skills in the meantime:
The following organizations in your community may be able to connect you with local parenting education and support resources:
School guidance offices
Community Health and Wellness Organizations
Organizations who offer short term evening programs, such as local tech schools or community colleges
Local Hospitals
Town Clerk's Office
There are many resources available online.
Below are some important considerations when selecting an on-line or in person parenting program. Is/does the program:
Evidence based
Offered by people / organizations with credentials in child development, parent child interactions, etc.
Provide some mechanism for one-one-one parent support
Connect parents to parents as resources
Discuss parent self-care
If you have trouble finding resources in your community, please contact us and we will work to help you find those resources.
Please also take a minute to let us know what
character traits you believe are most important.