A 20-Year Longitudinal Study Finds Social Skills of Kindergartners Predict Future Health and Well-Be
In July 2015, The American Journal of Public Health published a 20-year longitudinal study that looked at the impact of the social skills...

Today’s Children Will Be Tomorrow’s Adults. Will Yours Be Ready? P.S. That’s not a rhetorical quest
The sobering reality of that question can stop us for a moment, but where do we go from there? The busyness of our lives, combined with...

No Gas = No Go. Quality Time With Our Kids Fills the Tank.
Teaching your kids to drive, in a car with no gas, just “ain’t gonna happen.” If we don’t have “gas” in our proverbial relationship tank...

Only 6% of 89,000 US Kids Surveyed Meet Search Institute’s Thriving Benchmarks.
Search Institute is a research firm that focuses on the health and well-being of children. Since 1990, they have conducted landmark...

Where Are The Instructions!?!
Do you know any parent who hasn't felt that way at times? I don't. We all want our children to be happy, confident, responsible kids –...

We Are Creating Tomorrow's Adults Today. What Character Traits Do You Want Your Child & Ou
Today’s children are the adults of tomorrow. We, as parents, more than any other single factor, influence the adults our children will...